Thursday, February 7, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

I thought it really would'nt be that big of a deal to keep up with my Blog.
WHAT was I thinking...I can barely keep up with my thoughts. Life for us
is going really great!
Ian has been working really hard IN ST.CROIX. He has been traveling alot doing "business" in the Virgin Islands. He's really happy with his job and is awesome at what he does, I'm so proud of him. Here are some
pics of his "work"!!
The kids are all doing great..Brenner just turned 7, and Bryant just turned 5. Having BOY birthday parties (I'm finding) are ALOT of work.
Lacey is growing up SO fast. She is on honor roll in school and is one B away from straight A's!! She helps me SO much with the babies and is getting to be quite the chef.
THE BABIES....We all just adore them. We moved to the next stage of life this stroller. Having twins is just a little expensive!!
Kader is crawling everywhere. He is so busy we have another little Bryant on our hands. He says "DA-DA,BA-BA"... and "MA-MA" only when he REALLY needs something. The rougher the better with that kid..he's all Boy!
Princess Chloe Bug is exactally that...She just sit's and gets everything she needs. Kade makes her nervous. She screams everytime he gets in her comfort circle.
Some days she lets him climb all over her and other days he can't even look at her. Is that a GIRL for you or what. She is very serious all the time. She reminds me of Ian so much. And those of you who KNOW Ian know what I mean. She says "DA-DA and MA-MA" and is no where near crawling..If it take effort, forget it!! Ian says she looks just like Aunt Mandie-I saw pictures...I think he's right.
As for me I could'nt possibly happier. My life is so blessed. I am so thankful
for my wonderful husband and beautiful children. I love my life-it's hectic but that's exactly the way I wanted it!! Also it's finally warming up..that's means
I can get back on my bike again-the TOUR of PHOENIX is in 11wks..we'll see??
Well hopefully this give everyone a little update on the Smith Fam.
Can't wait for the next post-


Our handsome little man

Hanging with Daddy ALWAYS makes things better

What a good lookin CREW!!

say cheese

Grandpa's Masterpiece

Cute SnowMan!!!