Tuesday, April 1, 2008


WHOAAA...is it REALLY April 1st??? Last I was aware it was March 20Th. Seriously
spring break, Easter,,,it's ALL a blur. Chloe was first..ear infection, shocking (not really) poor baby her right ear just WONT get better. We've been on & off antibiotics for months (I hate putting my kids on antibiotics..but I don't know what else to do for her)? Any how she all the sudden starts throwing up and diarrhea..I thought I could handle it UNTIL Kade starts as well. LONG story short 2 weeks of NO sleep for Me, a hospital stay in pediatrics at Banner Gateway, lots of needle pokes, IV's & TEARS,a xray & catscan, & did I mention the $1100.00 in "insurance co pays"???
Double Trouble is right..I think things are Finally back to "normal".
Who knows what bug they had? Only the twins got it. Thank GOODNESS!!
The other kids were troopers & so much help to me.
Thanks for all the phone calls,visits & ice cream (Kristy & Julie).THANKS to My sis Amy,Brandon's wife, & to My Ward for the dinners you brought in during all the chaos! And Thank You Grandma Stephanie. I am SO gratefull for you and all you do for us. WE Love You!!
I'll post more another day..I'm going to bed:-)


Whiting Family said...

Hey Rayel! So I too have come to the realization that there are NEVER any dull moments in motherhood. My boys got really sick that same week too (while we were gone to Vegas..poor Grams & Gramps Whiting) Its never fun to have sick kids let alone getting sick ourselves!!! I love your blog and your kids are so cute!!! Keep in Touch!!!

sladefamilyaz said...

I am sorry they were so sick. When everyone feels better we will have to get together. By the way, I love the new Springtime look for the blog. Let me know if I can bring you dinner, pick up kids, etc.


Our handsome little man

Hanging with Daddy ALWAYS makes things better

What a good lookin CREW!!

say cheese

Grandpa's Masterpiece

Cute SnowMan!!!